ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Design and Development of a Platform for Processing Bio-Images and Signals Using Agent Oriented Programming
Agent can be defined as a component that, given a goal could act in the place of a user within its domain knowledge. Agents are also called intelligent agents, as intelligence is a key component of agency. Agent oriented approach can be viewed as next step of Object Oriented approach. The project work attempts to demonstrate the concept of developing Multi-Agent platform for processing of Bio-Images and signals. It also demonstrates the concept of developing and deploying agents using JADE – Java Agent DEvelopment framework. The technical goal of this work is to develop a multi agent platform for processing of bio-images and signals aiming at assisting medical practitioners in developing standard examination procedures. If a medical practitioner wants to have an expert opinion about mammogram images and EEG / ECG / EMG of his patient, Generic Agent can be invoked to which he has to specify the SSN (Social Security Number) of the patient, the type of the image and signal and the corresponding data file. The Generic Agent in turn will search for the Specific Agent – Breast image Agent , EEG Agent, ECG Agent, EMG Agent based on the image and signal type on the network and if found, the corresponding information will be passed to the specific agent by the Generic Agent. The result is being sent to the Generic Agent and it stores / updates the result in the Database using the Java Data Base Connectivity. As the agents on the JADE environment run on Threads, the response time is very less which helps the medical practitioner to make a quick diagnosis of mammogram images and signals
G.Tholkappia Arasu, S. Mathankumar , A.Nagappan
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