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Design and Implementation of Application Software for CSR MK II Controller Card
This paper describes recent experiences with operating an Antenna. Antenna Pointing System (APS) is an embedded system with the electromechanical assembly. The prime function of APS is to do automatic pointing of the target by moving the antenna with respective to one axis will provide azimuth angle. The close loop position control of the antenna is achieved with the help of encoders. The degree of freedom in azimuth is 0 deg to 360 deg .The APS comprises of Digital controller card and the one axis pedestal system. The Digital controller card is built using microcontroller. It is a versatile hip with rich peripheral set that can be used in Automobile application that requires high intensive communication. This paper presents the challenges in building state of art airborne embedded Hardware in terms of Digital controller card that has to be reliable, compact and capable of withstanding hostile environment conditions with less volume & weight as prime goal. The paper also brings out in detail the various Software aspects namely the look angle computation that is required for continuous tracking. The pointing should be very precise in some applications like even if there is a heading variation of the aircraft. Hence the heading data is also sensed and included in the Look angle Computation. Finally the Industrial design aspects cannot be overlooked as it is meant to be onboard without compromising the factors namely Design for Testability (DFT), Design for Maintainability (DMT), Design for Manufacturability. The developed software shall communicate with motor drives and radar controller to position the Antenna with minimum tolerance in a closed loop system by taking angle of azimuth for Antenna position i.e. in terms of angle from 0 to 360 degree from Encoder and also keeps count of number of complete rotations made by the Antenna.
B.Srinivasa Reddy, MSR Sekhar
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