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Research Article Open Access

Design and Implementation of DC To DC Buck-Boost Converter Using PIC Controller


Many existing and developing electrical and electronic technologies require voltages of different levels supplied from a singular available source voltage such as a battery. DC converters are devices designed specially for the purpose of changing DC voltage levels efficiently. The converters are electronic devices, it has an output voltage magnitude that is either greater than or less than the input voltage magnitude. Rising energy intensity leads to a higher cost of delivering power and low power density. Meanwhile, the demand for compact power supplies grows significantly. It requires power supplies with high efficiency, low cost and smaller size. In order to control the output voltage of the converter, the controller is designed to change the duty cycle of the converter. In this converter IGBT switch is digitally controlled by PIC microcontroller. In this work simulation and then hardware implementation is done with results. The converter is mainly used, where load is very sensitive (battery - powered products), it provides variation of _1% only.

Shuchi Shah

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