ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Design of a Staircase Material Handling System or Hand Truck
This topic deals with the designing and manufacturing of a hand truck, which can climb stair with less effort compare to carry it manually. The technical issues in designing of this vehicle are the stability and speed of the vehicle while climbing stairs. However, the steepness of the stairs is also the important concern of this study. The uses of this special vehicle are in the frequent lift of goods such as books for library, medicines for hospital, regular goods of any technical or non technical institutes, or transportation any toxic material for industries and give freedom to the retarded person or paralyzed patients to move anywhere over flat surface as well as stairs. The vehicle has four wheels arrangement to support its weight when it moves over the flat surface. Each set wheel frame consists of three wheels attached with nut and bolt. Using of this vehicle, the labor cost can be reduced as well as huge amount of loads can be transferred uniformly with less power consumption. Moreover, considering some drawbacks due to lack of implementation of all techniques during manufacturing phase the test and trial run showed considerably significant and encouraging results that might help the future researchers to incorporate a gear box and steering mechanism to make the vehicle more versatile
Avinash V. Gaikwad
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