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Design of an Embedded Platform for Digital Weighing System to Enhance Measuring Capabilities
Now a day the demand of digital weighing machine increasing day by day in most of business enterprises because measuring the weight with digital weighing machine is user friendly with variety of various applications. A load cell is an uncontrollable weighing device. Improvement in filtering increases the speed of weighing and enhances the measurement accuracy. In this paper a new algorithm and architecture is proposed as weight filter for the weighing system. We verify and implement the novel algorithm in the measuring products successfully. This paper discusses the development of a load cell based the static weighing system. In particular, the focus is on using digital filtering techniques to remove measurement noises from the extremely low frequency noise of the static weighing system. In this design the high resolution measurement ADC has revolutionized the entire area of precision sensor signal conditioning and data acquisition. Modern ADCs offer high grade code resolutions to 24 bits, and greater than 19-bits of noise-free code resolution. The inclusion of on-chip PGAs in this ADC coupled with the high resolution virtually eliminates the need for signal conditioning circuitry—the precision sensor can interface directly with the ADC in many cases & further can be accessed by microcontroller to enhance measuring capabilities with embedded platforms. The designed system has good accuracy with high precision output.
Dr. Pradeep B. Dahikar Mr. Kamlesh S. Patle
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