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Design of an Integrated Platform for Modelling, Simulation and Validation of Motion Compensation Techniques in Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
ISAR is an effective radar system which acquires high resolution images of targets such as aircrafts and ships ISAR technology utilizes the movement of the target rather than the emitter to form the synthetic aperture. For ISAR, synthetic aperture is formed by coherently combining the target returns from small aspect angles while target is moving. ISAR images are produced by using the rotation of targets and processing the resultant Doppler variations in slow time signal. Motion compensation technique in inverse synthetic aperture radar has been a very fascinating field of study. The target’s relative motion with respect to the radar sensor provides angular diversity required for ISAR imaging. In practice the practical target like planes, helicopters and ships exhibit complicated motion during the flight. The complication of motion includes translational and the rotational motions like velocity, acceleration and jerk. The contributing factors are variable and unknown to the radar designer. Thus a number of algorithm and their effectiveness have been experimented. This procedure which tries to invert the unwanted effects of motion on the ISAR image is called motion compensation (MOCOMP). For analysis of the effectiveness of these motion compensation techniques an integrated platform is designed which is presented in this paper. This platform can be used to simulate, examine, model and validate motion compensation in case of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR).
Aniruddha Pal
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