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Research Article Open Access

Design of Novel Fly-Back Converter Using PID Controller


Fly-back converters have been widely used because of the irrelative simplicity and their excellent performance for multi output applications. They can save cost and volume compared with the other converters, especially in moderate low power applications..In a fly-back converter, a transformer is adopted to achieve galvanic isolation and energy storage. Modelling is done without parasitic as well as with parasitic components. A detailed analysis, simulation and different control strategy are conferred for Fly-back converter. To verify the design and modelling at primary stage, study of the converter in for input AC voltage220V at 50Hz and output DC voltage of 440V and 150W output power rating. Simulation result shows a little ripple in output of the converter in open loop. Finally in order to evaluate the system as well as response of the controller, Fly-back converter simulated using MATLAB.

Subhrajyoti Modak, Goutam Kumar Panda Pradip Kumar Saha, Sankar Das

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