ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Design of SCS Protocol and Analysis of Quality of Service Parameters for Wireless Sensor Networks
For wireless applications, significant research has been devoted to support real-time transmission with better quality of service requirements. For next generation, a wireless hybrid network that integrates a MANET (Mobile Adhoc Wireless Network) network has been proven to be a better alternative. Guaranteeing of QoS in hybrid networks remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a new SCS protocol to enhance the QoS Support capability of hybrid networks. This SCS protocol incorporates four algorithms: 1) Path Selection Algorithm to identify the neighbouring node at shortest distance to reduce the delay 2) Routing Algorithm for hopping of data packets via different nodes.3) Mobility Algorithm to decrease the transmission time.4) Multipath Selection Algorithm in order to improve the QoS. Analytical and simulation results of SCS can provide high QoS performance in terms of delay, average delay, throughput, packet delivery ratio. The main objective of our project is to implement the routing protocols in NS2 and to compare simulation parameters like delivery ratio, end to end delay, packet drop, packet sent using SCS, AODV and DSR protocol to provide quality of service in wireless ad hoc network.
G Ramprabu, S Ananthi, R Chitra, J Saranya, G Saratha Preethi
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