ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
Designing of Circular Monopole Patch Antenna Loaded with Split Ring Resonator
Abstract: The EM conduct of the coplanar waveguide fed, filled split ring resonator to the ultra-wideband antenna with single band notch symptoms have offered. The proposed size of antenna 30 × 35 × 1.6 mm3 is very compact and easy to integrate with handheld devices. Here the antenna loaded with SRRs to create single frequency notch in 6.41 GHz to 8.26 GHz used for X-band satellite communication. The radiation pattern of H-plane is omnidirectional and radiation pattern of E-plane exhibits like a dipole. The antenna gain is stable across the absolute operating frequency besides at notch. Therefore, a VSWR <2 with a large bandwidth was clearly identifiable. This work investigates several problems simulated using High frequency structure simulator tool.
Apoorva D
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