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Research Article Open Access

Detection and Prevention of Data Hacking in Net Banking Using Visual Cryptography Technique


In net banking system it is not guaranteed that every transaction will be carried out very much securely because of increasing the problem of hacking the data of authorized users. To provide security to such types of hacking activities in this project it aims to achieve the authenticity by visual cryptography technique namely 2 out of 2 scheme technique. It takes scanned signature image as an input. While creating new bank account, the bank will generate splits then bank will be given one split to user and another will be stored in bank database. The user needs to present the split during every transactions then the stacking of splits will be taking place. Decision of access granted or denied will be confirmed based on comparison of stacked and original image. If both are same then it will be confirmed that the user is authorized user otherwise unauthorized user.

Madhurani B Shiddibhavi, Pundalik Ranjolekar

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