ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Detection of Hacking nodes using Dynamic Sensor with Ant Colony Optimization
Detection of hacking nodes can be defined as tracking system to show the negative effects that malicious nodes cause in MANET (Mobile ad hoc network. This paper proposes an survey about Detection of hacking nodes based on data transmission. The main problem in existing system is that the variable brink length of the polygon and the impact of the targets dynamic movements, brink detection and real time polygon. After the survey on various literature papers, we are concluding a new way, that increases confidentiality of the data and efficiency, , we have enclosed the proposed method with the ACO algorithm which allow itself to detect the terrorist nodes that are to be labeled and performs the active classification,. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a group of mobile hosts and able to communicate one another in the absence of fixed infrastructure.. If the entity at a particular range cannot be determined then several static nodes are located for better coverage and to reduce the total travelled distance by the nodes. The approximation and the foreseeing of the nodes are done by space Theory and the location of the nodes by using ant colony optimization.
R.Balaji, V.Abhishek, D.Kerana Hanirex
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