e-ISSN:2320-1215 p-ISSN: 2322-0112
Detection of Major Putative Periodontal Pathogens in Iranian Adult Patients Using Multiplex PCR and Culture
A therapeutic approach of periodontal diseases is based on the proper diagnosis of the root cause of the diseased condition. The present study was conducted to detect and characterize the periodontal pathogens associated with Iranian patients using culture and multiplex PCR techniques. 100 subgingival plaque samples were taken from 100 advanced adult periodontitis (AP) subjects. AP samples were obtained from the deepest periodontal pockets in each patient. The samples were cultured immediately and assayed by multiplex PCR using gene specific primers. Total detection rate of periodontal pathogens was 64% by culture and 65% by multiplex PCR method. Aggrigatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) and Prevotella intermedia (Pi) were present in 28%, 6%and 3% of diseased sites, respectively. The combined presence of Aa, Pg and Pi was 27%. The bacterial isolation rates for Aa, Pg, and Pi in culture were 30%, 7% and 5% of diseased sites, respectively. The combined presence of Aa, Pg and Pi with multiplex PCR. Method was 23%. This study found that Aa is the most predominant bacterium detected by both culture and multiplex PCR. Although the detection rates were marginally similar in the two methods, the PCR technique is more preferential compared with the culture, and the data of the current study recommend the use of the molecular techniques for the detection of periodontal pathogens due to labor intensive and time consuming nature of culture technique. Also, molecular techniques may be more reliable than culture because of detection of specific target genes.
Eshraghi *, Aliramezani A, Douraghi M, Kadkhoda Z, Amin M, Heidarzadeh S, Pakbaz Z
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