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Research Article Open Access

Determination of Excitation Capacitance of a Three Phase Self Excited Induction Generator


The depletion of fossil fuels in the world, has given rise to the importance of non-conventional energy sources. Wind turbines and micro hydro generators with induction generators are considered as an alternative choice. Wind turbines with Self-excited Induction Generators (SEIGs) are increasingly being used to generate clean renewable energy. SEIGs are widely being used in isolated areas (rural areas) to generate electrical energy. Capacitor banks are used with a purpose to provide reactive power for its excitation. The nonlinearity of the magnetizing inductance and the varying rotor speeds necessitates the calculation of excitation capacitance required for voltage build up in a SEIG. This paper presents the various approaches for determining the excitation capacitance and evaluates the value of excitation capacitor for 220/380V, 12.4/7.2A, 4 pole, 50Hz induction machine through various approaches, to build-up voltage for isolated operation of a self-excited induction generator.

Anamika Kumari, Dr. A. G. Thosar, S. S. Mopari