ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
Development and Testing Of ANN Based Data Acquisition System for Protective Relay
Intelligence based protective relay data acquisition system is used to correct current transformers (CT) secondary waveform distortions. CTs provide instrument level current and voltage signals to meters and protective relays in high voltage and extra high voltage systems. The accuracy and performance of protective relays in high voltage and extra high voltage systems are directly related to steady state and transient performance of CT. CT saturation could lead to protective relay mal-operation or even prevent tripping. The key of the proposed scheme is to use artificial neural network (ANN) to achieve the inverse transfer functions of CT. Simulation studies are preformed and the impacts of changing different parameters are studied. Performance study results show that the proposed scheme is accurate and reliable. The proposed algorithm has also been implemented and tested on an Omicron 356 relay testing unit.
Linimol Ansalam A V
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