ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Development of Microcontroller Based Analyzer for the Detection of Chlorine in Water
It is necessary to detect the chemical species present in the contaminated water before its use for the domestic purpose. The aim of this research work was to design, built and test analyzer for the detection of chlorine level in drinking water using photoelectric technique. To implement this technique, light emitting and photo diodes were used as source and detector of light respectively. The detected signal was further conditioned and processed by the trans-impedance amplifier and MSP430F2013 microcontroller respectively. The software has been developed for the functions; adjustment of 100% transmittance for reference, measurement of transmitted light intensity and its conversion into absorbance, detection of maximum response wavelength, calculation of calibration constant from the standard solutions, and finally estimation of unknown concentration. The developed analyzer has successfully tested for the detection of chlorine level in the water. The analyzer is battery operated, hand held and easy to operate.
Pravin K. BhadaneTo read the full article Download Full Article | Visit Full Article