ISSN: 2319-9865
Diagnostic Accuracy of Mantoux test And Chest X-Ray Compared to Gastric Lavage as a Diagnostic Test in Childhood Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis remains a worldwide public health problem. Childhood tuberculosis is a common and highly prevalent disease amongst pediatric population causing high morbidity and mortality. India accounts for nearly 1/3rd of global burden of T.B. every year. Mantoux test was positive in 60% of cases, which still remains as an important diagnostic tool. In 92% of cases there was radiological evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis.Tubercle bacilli were isolated from gastric lavage in 20% of cases.High index of suspicion inclusion of history of contact, past history of measles and investigations such as Mantoux test, radiology, histopathological examination and bacteriological study is of great value in the diagnosis.
K Nagaraj, and Ramesh K
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