ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Dielectric Lens Design Concepts to Enhance Antenna Directivity and Gain
Effects of a dielectric lens, including its geometry and material properties, placed near an antenna on its directivity and gain is presented. A conceptual model for delivered power and directivity is developed and demonstrated through simulation. A homogenous dielectric material lens is analyzed using the Drude-Sommerfeld model to calculate both the permittivity and permeability when coupled with a 10.4 GHz circular patch antenna. A broadside far-field pattern shows marked improvement in directivity and antenna gain for a lens of thickness, d+Δ , placed at a distance d away from the antenna. The use of the lens can achieve a sub-wavelength diffraction limit, which is not possible with a conventional lens.
Julian Baker, Ashwani Sharma, Bruno Camps-Raga, Clay Mayberry, N. E. Islam
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