ISSN: 2319-9865
Diet, Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease
Nutrition science is a rapidly evolving multi face field, is accompanying the research journey from chemistry to social sciences. It has a unique impact in reducing the adverse health effects caused due to poor diets. Nutrition plays a vital role in aetiology of major cardiovascular diseases like hypertension and atherosclerosis. Many lifestyle and dietary factors leads to these diseases and developed countries and youth are at high risk of cardiovascular diseases. Preventive steps must be initiated immediately after diagnosing. Diet is complete mixture of nutrients, It is very important in development and prevention of heart diseases, is has high impact on all the risk factors that are causing cardiovascular disorders. Change in food, dietary plans and health system will help in reducing the evidences of cardiovascular diseases which will in turn reduces the economic burden on population all over the world. The current review summarizes the effect of nutrition on cardiovascular diseases.
Neha Anand
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