ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
In the ubiquitous computing services are heterogeneous in nature. To be pervasive, these services should be defined in terms of their functionality and capabilities.The vision of ubiquitous computing refers to the creation of environments saturated with a spectrum of heterogeneous computing and communication capabilities, which seamlessly integrate with the physical world. Such capabilities cover the spectrum ranging from traditional devices (e.g., speakers), wireless mobile devices (e.g., cell phones) to smart devices (e.g., badges, sensors, intelligent appliances). In ubiquitous environments, users are surrounded by different kind of computing devices offering services of different types. As users need to discover and interoperate with such services, service discovery represents a crucial functionality. Service discovery protocols (SDP) are needed to discover and use the services in ubiquitous environments.
Vaishali Yadav , Ashwani Yadav
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