ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
Disease Prediction of Paddy Crops Using Data Mining and Image Processing Techniques
Image processing is the analysis and manipulation of a digitized image especially in order to improve its quality. Data mining is the practice of examining large pre-existing databases to generate new information and it is process of selecting and exploringlarge amounts of data. This process has become an increasingly aggressive action in all areas of agricultural sciences and research. A large amount of scattered information about paddy crops is available. Here in this paper implements an innovative idea to identify diseases affected in paddy crops and provides the remedy/solution to farmers. The images of the diseased paddy crop are captured with the help of high pixel cameras or mobile phone like android or iPhone or wireless PDA. These images are then fed for application for identifying paddy diseases and suggest remedies to the farmer. This implementation provides better choice for every class of agriculture community especially in remote villages.
Suraksha IS, Sushma B, Sushma RG, Sushmitha Keshav, Uday Shankar SV
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