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Research Article Open Access

Distribution of Various Developmental Dental Anomalies in Uttar Pradesh: A Hospital Based Study.


To investigate Developmental anomalies of teeth are clinically evident abnormalities. They may be the cause of various dental problems. Careful observation and appropriate investigations are required to diagnose the condition for appropriate treatment. Developmental dental anomalies are an important category of dental morphologic variations. All patients attending the outpatient department were screened for the presence of anomalies. A comprehensive clinical examination was carried out to identify the presence of microdontia, macrodontia, talon cusp, fusion, dens invaginatus, accessory cusp, transposition and supernumerary teeth. In the present study, A total of 130 patients were included in the group and the casts were prepared with informed content. Out of which total of 93 casts were of maxillary and 37 of mandibular. This group consists of 78 male and 52 female patients. Developmental dental anomalies are marked deviations from the normal color, contour, size, number, and degree of development of teeth. Local as well as systemic factors may be responsible for these developmental disturbances. Such influences may begin before or after birth, hence deciduous or permanent teeth may be affected.

Shalini Gupta, Kavita Nitish Garg, Amay Tripathi, and Om Prakash Gupta

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