ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
DNA Based Cryptography Using Permutation and Random Key G eneration Method
DNA cryptography is a new instinctive cryptographic field emerged with the research of DNA computing, in which DNA is used as information shipper and the modern biological technology is used as accomplishment tool. Studies and implementation has proved that this method is very efficient in encrypting, storing and transmitting data and it is very powerful against many attacks. The contemporary main difficulty of DNA cryptography is the lack of effective protected theory and simple achievable method. The most important aim of the research of DNA cryptography is explore peculiarity of DNA molecule and reaction, establish corresponding theory, discovering possible development directions, searching for simple methods of understand DNA cryptography, and Laing the basis for future development. DNA cryptography uses DNA as the computational tool along with several molecular techniques to manipulate it. Because of very high storage capacity of DNA, this field is becoming very talented[4]. Presently it is in the development phase and it requires a lot of work and research to reach a established stage. By reviewing all the prospective and acerbic edge technology of current research, this paper shows the guidelines that need to be deal with development in the field of DNA cryptography.
Bonny B Raj, Panchami V
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