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Research Article Open Access

Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation Using Copper and Aluminum Electrodes


The study was focused on treating domestic wastewater by electrocoagulation using copper and aluminum electrodes was investigated sample is made up to run at different interval of time i.e., 10, 20 and 30minutes and different volts (7V, 14V, 20V).The combination effects of Volts, pH, and treatment time to the efficiency of the electrocoagulation process for the removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand, Nitrates was considered to evaluate the treatment efficiencies. The results were obtained in the removal of considered parameter with four no of electrodes, for four electrodes configuration with 30 min contact period removal efficiency of COD, Nitrates, were 63.2%, 62%.

Impa J.A, Nagarajappa D.P, Krishne Gowda K, Manjunath N.T