e-ISSN: 2347-7857 p-ISSN: 2347-7849

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Research Article Open Access

Dr. MS Reddy's Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy


This research article highlights the latest research developments and discoveries with regard to therapeutic uses of Probiotics. Although Probiotics are very popular as the nutritional supplements, the medical field has not fully accepted and understood their therapeutic or healthful benefits. Part of the reason is due to lack of full understanding of the science behind the Probiotics. The recent major breakthrough discovery of Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy to treat the hospital associated lethal infections due to Clostridium difficile (C. diff) and Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) arose a tremendous interest in the field of medicine around the world. This research article is written in a simplified form to explicitly explain about the Probiotics, Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy, and the rationale behind such biologically based therapeutics. In addition, the use of Probiotic therapy as a complementary therapy to suppress cancer, integration of Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotics with alternative medicine Ayurveda (Proyurveda) as a whole medical system, and finally the integrated medical approach of using Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy in combination with or without specific antibiotics to cure the terminally ill patients with nosocomial infections has also been thoroughly researched, reviewed and discussed. This article also describes in detail the etiology and pathophysiology of cancer cell proliferation at molecular level. This will enable the reader to partially understand how and where Probiotics can block the cancer cell growth. In addition, detailed explanations are given regarding the legalities and governmental divisions involved in regulating the complementary alternative medicine and integrated health.

M.S. Reddy and D.R.K. Reddy

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