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Driver Aided System Using Open Source Computer Vision
Smartphone based driver aided system helps to detect driver drowsiness conditions while driving. In recent years accidents occurred due to driver’s sleepiness and fatigue have been increasing vigorously. By observing driver and notify him in drowsiness condition is one way to reduce accidents. This technology uses smartphone front camera to take driver’s image and back end camera is used to provide traffic sign detection. This approach provides real time monitoring. It provides fatigue detection using various methods and also provides different assistance applications for driving. Methods for drowsiness detection are vision based tracking, yawning detection, and stress detection by driver’s facial expression tracking and driver assistant application includes traffic sign detection and traffic jam detection. System will process all this facial tracking and will raise the alarm in case of fatigue detection. Different alarms like audio file, message, and beep are used for alerting driver. Open Source computer vision is used for this system. HaarCascade filter library is used for facial tracking purpose.
Zope Chaitali K., Y. C. Kulkarni
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