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Editor Note Open Access

Drug Storage Practices in Libyan community Pharmacies Coinciding with the Circumstances of Recurrent Electricity Blackouts


Owing to the rapid growing of private healthcare sector in many parts of the world, community pharmacy is becoming a main source of healthcare in most of low- and middle-income countries. Community pharmacy serve as the primary source in providing healthcare for the majority of the people in the developing countries [1]. The quality of medicine is very crucial due to the increasing incidence of falsified and low-quality medicines globally. Community pharmacies play an axial part in ensuring the quality of pharmaceutical products for the community; nevertheless, the medicines quality cannot be guaranteed if they are not stored or dispensed accurately [2]. An important part in the supply of good quality medicines is the proper storage conditions. Drug storage environments distract the post-manufacture quality of medicines and health supplies. Studies show that convenience infrastructure for drug storage that prevent contamination and damage to pharmaceuticals is a main challenge in various countries in Sub-Sahara Africa. A proper storage practices is vital to ensure availability of safe, effective and high-quality medicines for all patients.

Ahmed Atia* and Nisrin Amabrouk

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