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Research Article Open Access

Dual Band Aperture Coupled Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna for WLAN


This paper presents a dual band aperture coupled stacked microstrip antenna with the introduction of an air gap 3 mm between the ground plane and the upper layer substrate for WLAN applications. The nominal antenna has – 10 dB return loss bandwidth of 134.8 MHz and 384.9 MHz at lower band resonant frequency of 3.905 GHz and upper band resonant frequency of 5.36 GHz respectively. The gain of the antenna is greater than 5 dB, also the directivity is greater than 5 dBi and VSWR value is less than 2 for both the operating frequencies, which makes it a suitable choice to be used at the frequencies bands of WLAN.

Gunjan, Amanpreet Kaur

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