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Conference Proceeding Open Access

Hepatitis C


Abstract: H.C.V: Due to the shrinkage of the liver the stomach is filled with the water. It is for better understand that the both disease have no cure the only treatment of the said diseases is liver transplant or after filling abdomen with water and through injections draining water from the abdomen, so far to cure of both these diseases no perfect medicine or treatment has been invented. I claim that this disease is curable. Hepatitis ‘C’ is a virus whose taste was hot and dry. Cold impaired things use in large quantities. The virus becomes cold and dry. Remember that due to the cold dry. (1) Salt, Natrum Chlorine. (2) Oil Oleum Jack Oil Oleum jack disappeared from the liver. The liver shrinks due to both of these components. And then it turns black and becomes a stone. Therefore, water gets accumulated in the stomach and abdomen looks like football, to the negative this HCV virus. HCV symptoms: This is surprisingly as long as 70% of the liver is damaged. Symptoms do not appear, 70% symptoms appear this way decreased urine volume, Edema in the legs, then face tenderness occurs all over the body. Such are the signs, as the patient grocer in difficulty. It is as if the stomach is full of water or a prominent sign of going to the flower. 1.- Blood urea test 2- Contraction of the liver and the birth of water in the stomach. Test by ultrasound, It is for your info that the stomach water urine will be completely erased from 8 to 12 days, and the shrunk liver will restore after use my invented medicine within 90 days patient does not need for any liver transplant.

Muhammad Tasleem