ISSN: 2319-9865
Early Assessment of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Myocardial Revascularization (ESMR)
Objectives: To predict the social impact of introducing extracorporealshock wave myocardial revascularization (ESMR) on refractory cardiovascular disease. Methods: We used a horizon-scanning system to prioritize and select promising health technologies, and evidence assessment and peer review to analyze current clinical evidence and predict the social impact. Results: Analysis of the current evidence revealed that the non-invasive health technology ESMR, which can be performed using low-energy shock waves, is promising for refractory cardiovascular disease treatment. Its effectiveness regarding improvements in pain relief,nitroglycerine dosage, and blood flow have been reported in the absence of adverse events. However, these reports were based on short-term studies that lacked comparison groups, and treatment mechanisms have not been elucidated. According to expert opinions, it is currently difficult to assess and predict the social impact of this technology. Conclusion: ESMR is promising, although stronger evidence of its safety, effectiveness, and treatment mechanism is needed.
Ji Jeong Park, Keun-joo Yoo, Min Lee, Jooyeon Park, Eunjung Park, Ji Yun Tark, Sungkyu Lee, Chaemin Shin
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