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Editorial Open Access

Editorial on Past Webinar Report


We gratefully thank all our wonderful Keynote Speakers, Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Organizing Committee Members, and Media Partners for making Webinar on Anxiety and PTSD the best ever! Longdom Group SA hosted the “Webinar on Anxiety and PTSD” (Webinar on Anxiety) on November 20, 2020 as a virtual event. WOA is specifically premeditated with a unifying axiom providing platform to widen the imminent scientific discoveries in the field of Mental Health and Psychiatry and to deliver novel ideas besides incorporating better understanding of their role in Mental Health, Psychiatry, Business Management and Marketing. The webinar was initiated with the Honourable presence of the Keynote forum. The list includes: • Tetiana Zinchenko, IASGA, Switzerland • Samir Mustafa Smisim, SRCA, Saudi Arabia The highlights of the meeting were the eponymous lectures, delivered by the following Plenary Speakers: • James Bush, Bush Counselling Services, USA • Fatemah Samir Smaisem, AI-Maarefa University-college of Medicine, Saudi Arabia • Preeti Modi, Zoroastrian College, India • Shungu Hilda M’Gadzah, Inclusion Psychologists, UK • Mustafa Samir Smaisem, AI-Maarefa University-college of Medicine, Saudi Arabia • Eman Khalifa, Matrouh University, Egypt • Ivana Haluskova- Balter, Science and Research for Health & Preventive Medicine, France And a special thanks to all the delegates from CNSMLA, Romania. By the endless support of the Journal Research and Reviews: Neuroscience.

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