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Special Issue Article Open Access

EEEM: An Energy-Efficient Emulsion Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks


Energy Consumption is a challenging problem in wireless sensor networks. The efficient use of energy in sensors nodes is the important considerations in wireless sensor network which is used to increase the network lifetime. Clustering mechanism is the important approach used to minimize the sensor’s energy consumption. This paper proposes an energy-efficient emulsion mechanism called EEEM, to determine efficient sensor network. The EEEM primarily considers link condition, transmission range and node status and uses a clustering parameter metric called Efficacious Transmission count (ETX), to identify the quality of nodes for CH selection to construct clusters and also sleep scheduling and mobile robot mechanisms are to used to minimizing energy consumption. Simulation results shows that our proposed mechanism is effective in prolong network lifetime interms of energy consumption.

M.Sudha, J.Sundararajan, M.Maheswari

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