ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Effect of inoculating the seedlings of tomato grown in soil maintained at different soil moisture levels of Meloidogyne incognita on growth of plant, rootknot development and morphometrics of perineal pattern of the nematode
In the present investigation when seedlings of tomato CV. Marglobe grown in soil with different soil moisture levels were inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita, it was observed that growth of the plant, root-knot development and multiplication of the nematode was highest at 40 percent moisture level. Out of several morphometric characters of perineal pattern studied, it was found that height of dorsal and ventral arches was significantly high in females grown in 30 and 40 percent moisture level as compared to those grown in 10 percent moisture level and therefore different characters to be used for diagnosis of species should be examined in the light of environmental settings.
Sheila Shahab