E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Effect of Oxygen Content on NO Removal and Microbial Communities of a Hybrid Catalytic Membrane Biofilm Reactor
The effect of oxygen content on NO removal and microbial communities of a hybrid catalytic membrane biofilm reactor (HCMBR) has been investigated. NO removal efficiency reached 84.8%, 85.1%, 94% and 94.5% at oxygen content of 2%, 6%, 10% and 17% in flue gas (H2, H6, H10 and H17), respectively. NO removal increased with increasing oxygen content.
Denitrification was dominant in H2, H6; simultaneous nitrification and denitrification occurred in H10, H17. Oxygen content influenced the microbial community in HCMBR as shown by 16S rDNA, metagenomics sequencing method. The dominant phylum was Fluviicola, Arcobacter, Brachymonasin H2, H6, H10, while Brachymonas, denitrificans, vadinCA02 in H17. Fluviicola, Acrobacter, Brachymonas and Brachymonas were dominant denitrifiers in H2, H6, H10 and H17, respectively. Primary coordinate analysis (PcoA) indicated phylogenic structures in H10 and H17 were highly alike but dissimilar to those in H2 and H6. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) classified visualized oxygen content dependence distinction of bacterial genera.
Z.S. Wei, J.L. Pei, Z.S. Huang, X.L. Xiao, M.R. Tang, B.L Li, X. Zhang
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