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Effect of Substitution of Poultry Offal Meal with Mustard Oil Cake on Growth Performance of Channa Gachua (Bloch)
The effect of substitution of poultry offal meal with mustard oil cake on growth performance of Channa gachua was carried out during June 2018 to May 2019. The supplementary feeding is an important tool for fish production around the world. Many studies revealed that poultry meal could partially replace dietary fishmeal that without affecting growth performance and feeding efficiency of many experimental fish. The ingredients of mustard cake vary with the variety of growing condition and processing methods. It is using as a main protein source in the fish culture. The live weight grain (240-237), Feed conversion rate (1.48-1.54), Protein efficiency ratio (1.82-1.87), Specific growth rate (4.82-4.66) in three fish fed diet TO, T1 and T2 is respectively (Table 2). In T3 reported in a high decline in the growth parameters. The poor Feed conversion rate (3.64 ± 0.05), Protein efficiency ratio (0.94 ± 0.03) and Specific growth rate (2.89 ± 0.05). The protein present in the body of fishes in TO, T1 and T2 almost similar but in T3 (P<0.05) was reported significant decline. The complete substitution level of mustard oil cake with poultry meal showed low fat level (P<0.05). The moisture content in the diet TO, T1 and T2 not showing significant differences (P<0.05) but in T3 diet it is significantly high. The high level body ash content found in T3 whereas significant differences (P>0.05) in fish fed diets TO, T1 and T2 were reported. HSI, VSI and CF factors were also significantly influenced by the substitution of mustard oil cake with poultry offal meal (P<0.05). It is noticed that it remained unaffected the replacement level of T2 but the significant changes were reported in beyond T2. Ali Akshad Marakkattil*