ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Effect of Vertical Stiffness Irregularity on Multi-Storey Shear Wall-framed Structures using Response Spectrum Analysis
Urbanization has led to housing problems. This has resulted in the rise of several Multi-storey and Highrise buildings. Hence Structural Dynamics study has been steadily increasing over the years. The modern trend is towards tall and slender structures (Irregular) and innovative architecturally designed structures like the Baha‟i temple (Lotus shaped). These buildings are affected by environmental factors like wind, earthquake and waterways. Millions of people world-wide annually die due to earthquakes which are responsible for billions of rupees of property damage. This has necessitated the study of Earthquake Engineering. However, study and research in the field of Irregular Buildings under seismic conditions is gaining momentum. The provision of shear wall in building has been found effective and economical. In this paper, a 10 storey building in Zone IV is presented to reduce the effect of earthquake using reinforced concrete shear wall-framed structures in the building. The results were tabulated by performing Response spectrum analysis using ETABS version 9.7.4 in the form of maximum storey displacements, base shear reactions, mode shapes and storey drifts. Effect of Irregularity was studied by creating openings in shear wall and by varying the thickness of Shear wall, along the storey‟s.
Hema Mukundan, S.Manivel
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