ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Efficient Cluster based Fault Detection and Recovery in Wireless Sensor Network
In recent years, applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been increased due to its vast potential to connect the physical world to the virtual world. Also, an advance in microelectronic fabrication technology reduces the cost of manufacturing portable wireless sensor nodes. It becomes a trend to deploy the large numbers of portable wireless sensors in WSNs to increase the quality of service (QOS). In order to maintain the better QOS under failure conditions, identifying and detaching such faults are essential, we proposed a fault recovery corrupted node and Self Healing is necessary. In this proposed system round trip delay techniques used to identify the fault node and maintain the cluster structure in the event of failures caused by energy-drained nodes. Initially, node with the maximum residual energy in a cluster becomes cluster heed and node with the second maximum residual energy becomes secondary cluster heed. Later on, selection of cluster heed and secondary cluster heed will be based on available residual energy. We use NS2 software as simulation platform quantities. Like, energy consumption at cluster and number of clusters is computed in evaluation of proposed algorithm.
S. Gayathridevi , Dr. R. Gunavathi
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