ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Efficient Message Caching Scheme for MANET
Mobile adhoc networks are infrastructure less networks. MANET does not have any fixed topology. Base station, routers and switches are not used in MANET. Mobility is high in mobile adhoc networks. Cooperative caching algorithm is used to manage data transmission by overhearing data from intermediate nodes. Data request and data reply are overheard to optimize cache placement and cache discovery. Cache placement mechanism is used to assign data under cache nodes. Cache storages are provided in the overheard nodes. Cache discovery process is used to identify a requested data from the cached data collection. The overhearing aided cache management mechanism is designed to manage cache placement and cache discovery process. Cache placement algorithm is used to assign cache data values. Data access cost and transmission cost factors are used in the data request process. The Overhear aided cache management scheme is enhanced to handle cache updates with recent data values. Cache management mechanism is used to maintain the cache storage levels. Cache storages are maintained with node movement factors. Multiple cache copies are maintained with primary and secondary cache models. The system reduces the storage overhead and traffic flow.
S. Manju, Mrs. K. Vanitha, M.E., (Ph.D)
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