ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Efficient Privacy Preserving Secure ODARM Algorithm in Horizontally Distributed Database
Data mining is the most fast growing area today which is used to extract important knowledge from large data collections but often these collections are divided among some parties. Privacy liability may prevent the parties from directly sharing the data and some types of information about the data. The security is major problem in larger database while sharing the data to the network against the unauthorized access. Proposed an Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining (ODARM) algorithm. The ODARM algorithm helps to provide high security and generate a frequent itemset in distributed server. Proposed system also concentrate on privacy issues, when the data is distributed in multiple servers and no original server wishes to provide their own data to their server. This paper proposed a new model which utilizes the cryptographic hash techniques to produce a privacy and security in horizontally and vertically distributed database. Our proposed result shows that horizontally distributed database is secure than vertical distributed database and also computation and communication cost is more efficient.
Priyanka.G, Premkumar.M
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