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Research Article Open Access

Empowering Women, Empowering Society: Reviewing the Beijing +20


Progress in the field of gender equality and advancement in laws on women rights have been made since the meeting in 1995. However overall growth is important, not much of the areas have been making progress since the meeting. One third of women in the developing and the developed countries suffer from physical abuse. Every day, around 800 women die post giving birth to their child because of inadequate health care services. Hindrance in the BPfA is caused mainly at the national and regional levels, orthodox social norms and attitudes, poor political will, and poor monitoring frameworks. The one aspect that has pinned down the efforts of BPfA is “gender equality”. “Gender Equality does not only mean empowering women but also means empowering humanity and global development as a whole”, this is a concept, and many have failed to understand. It is a right time for us to “reconnect, regenerate commitment, charge up political will and mobilize the public” especially when we are talking about the advancement of women in the community. It is also important to note that the UN Women, one of the leading “women centric” agency of the United Nations plays a crucial role in ensuring effective role of the government in the BPfA.

Anant Mishra

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