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Research Article Open Access

Enabling Secure and Dependable Client Side Deduplication in Large Cloud Computing


Since from recent years, lot of corporate and private users outsource their data to cloud storage providers. Cloud storage services use deduplication which means elimination of redundant data. So it reduces the storage space and bandwidth consumption of data storage services, but brings many security and privacy implications. There are some issues in cloud computing, but security and privacy are most important issues which need to be considered for the public cloud environments. A new client-side deduplication scheme has been proposed for securely sharing and storing data via the public cloud. The proposed method has twofold. Firstly, higher confidentiality is being ensured from unauthorized users. That is, every consumer computes a per data key in order to encrypt the data which intends to store in the cloud. So the data owner manages every data access. Secondly, metadata file is being integrated with access rights, so approved user can access the file which is encrypted with his own private key only

Anushree R , Dr Shylaja B S

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