ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Energy Aware and Multipath base Reliable Communication in MANET
In MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) nodes are battery operated with self-motivated network topology due to mobility of nodes. Therefore energy efficiency is an important design deliberation to extend the lifetime of networks. A critical issue in routing strategy design the MAX energy based multipath routing network apart from conventional ad hoc networks is energy conservation and prolonging network lifetime while maintaining connectivity. If the one path in normal energy based routing is break that causes the heavy packet loss because that kind of link breaks are occur suddenly or without any information and also neighbor are not aware about this kind of condition. To address this issue, we propose a multi-path MAX energy based routing scheme that reduces the congestion and improves the energy efficiency and the reliability in data delivery. In this scheme the multipath AOMDV protocol reduces the possibility of congestion by using the concept of dynamic queue and MAX energy based routing always selecting the node for routing that has maximum energy. Each data packet is delivered to the neighbor by one or more multiple paths according to proposed scheme. The balance among multiple paths that considers the energy usage at neighbors is further considered in path selection, which leads to efficient utilization of the relay nodes and prevents early death of heavily involved nodes. Simulation results show that proposed energy aware path selection, a more even MAX energy consumption among nodes is developed and leads to longer network life time.
Mr. Varun Mishra, Mr. Gajendra Sonker
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