ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Energy Efficient Mobicast Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks
Underwater Wireless sensor networks (UWSN) consist of a variable number of Sensors and Vehicles that are deployed to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area. Sensors and vehicles are self-organize in an autonomous network which can adapt to the characteristics of the ocean environment. In this limited energy of the sensors and the ocean current are the major issues. The Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) form a series of zones with the nearby nodes and travel a predefined path to collect the details in each zone. To save power only the sensors in the current zone is wakeup and all other sensors are in the sleep mode. This method involves the following two steps. First Autonomous underwater vehicles gather messages from nodes within 3D zone of reference. After that they wake up the sensor nodes in the next 3D zone which is called the zone of forwarding (ZOF). For this wakeup purpose all the sensors in the intersection area of the nearby zone are used which consumes more energy and lead to message overhead. The proposed work aims to a energy efficient mobicast protocol with dynamic head node to wakeup the sensors in the corresponding zone. This reduces the number of messages used for the wakeup the sensors in the next zone. The simulation results from AquaSim provides empirical analysis and energy efficiency of sensor nodes.
M.Anuradha, S. Sathees babu, Dr.K.Balasubadra
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