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Research Article Open Access

Energy Management System Control for a Hybrid Non-conventional Energy Sources using Hysteresis Switching Algorithm


Renewable energy sources play an important role in electrical energy generation. The drawbacks of Renewable energy sources have been overcome by the use of hybrid power generating unit. A typical hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) combines several renewable energy sources such as wind turbine (WT) and photovoltaic (PV) panels as primary energy sources and an energy storage system (ESS) based on fuel cell and battery. All of the energy sources are connected together to a central dc bus by means of power converters. This paper includes a supervisory control called hysteresis switching algorithm which determines the power that must be generated by/stored in the fuel cell and battery, taking into account the control demand by the grid, the offered power, the hydrogen reservoir point and the state-of-charge (SOC) of the battery. The proposed EMS is compared with classical EMS composed of state based supervisory control system based on states and inverter control system based on PI controller. Dynamic simulation results of the proposed EMS demonstrate the better performance than the classical EMS.

S. Devi , R. Saravanapriyan

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