ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Enhance Security for Image Encryption and Decryption by Applying Hybrid Techniques Using MATLAB
Cryptography, Steganography and Digital watermarking are widely used for Image Encryption and Textual Data Encryption and also we have various classification of these techniques. In this paper we study of Hybrid Cryptographic Encryption Techniques and also use of other encryption techniques to enhance their level of security and also study of their combination of Hybrid Techniques which is included of combination of cryptographic and Digital Watermarking Technique‟s.Hybrid approach for encryption gives more and strictly secured information, it‟s very difficult to find out anyhow any information, none of hacker easy to detect even truly they failed to decrypt information little bit.
Jai Singh, Kamil Hasan, Ravinder Kumar
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