ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Enhanced Node Utilization and Responsiveness for Parallel Workload Based On Priority Consolidation in the Cloud
The cloud computing environment contains remote data centers which work for run the complex applications. Many complex applications require parallel processing capabilities effectively to run the parallel jobs using virtualization technologies. A parallel job often requires a certain number of nodes to run, to schedule parallel job in data centres. A set of nodes is likely to be fragmented by parallel jobs with different node number requirement. An important consideration in this environment is to improve response time, throughput and utilization. In Existing approach, each nodes computing capacity is partition into two tier using priority based consolidation. The foreground VM tier runs higher priority jobs and Background VM tier runs low priority jobs. This leads to low system utilization and large job wait times. To overcome this, the proposed approach is to effectively partition the data centre node into k-tiers for improved node utilization and responsiveness.
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