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Research Article Open Access

Enhancement of Speech in Noisy Conditions


The term “Speech Enhancement” refereed as to improve quality or intelligibility of speech signal. Speech signal is often degraded by additive background noise like babble noise, train noise, restaurant noise etc. In such noisy environment listening task is very difficult at the end user. Many times speech enhancement is used for pre processing of speech for computer speech recognition system. This paper presents speech enhancement methods like Spectral Subtraction, Modified Spectral Subtraction and Least Mean Square to reduce additive background noise. Basically these methods are single channel speech enhancement methods. The performance of SS algorithm and LMS algorithm is evaluated by object speech measure like, Signal to Noise Ratio, Mean Square Error, Root Mean Square Error and Normalized Root Mean Square. From result we conclude that the performance of SS algorithm and Modified SS algorithm is better than LMS algorithm. So SS algorithm is widely used in personal communication due its simplicity

Anuprita P Pawar0, Asst.Prof.Kirtimalini.B.Choudhari

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