ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Enhancing Security and Reliability using Constraint based Information Sharing in Cloud
As the advancement in Information Technology grows rapidly, the term security is also one of the major concerns nowadays. The opponents sometimes may misuse the technology to steal the information. To formulate the users to interact and share data easily and immaculately with security across myriad networks, we require an environment that ensures secured and trusted information sharing. In this paper we are introducing a secure protocol for data sharing and to achieve data integrity, authentication and confidentiality using private and public cryptography and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). This protocol ensures the secure communication between the users by the use of constraint and reliability parameter of the communication nodes those involved in the interaction. Here we consider a scenario that involves customer, service contributor and the government department. This is also one of the proposed approaches for the cloud security.
P.Pavan Kumar , A.Ganesh
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