ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Enhancing the Security in Cross Layer Method which reduces the Link Failure in Networks using CP-ABE
The networking is the process of linking two or more computing devices together for sharing the data using a routing path. Link failures are common in such networks and the disconnection of link for several seconds creates major data loss. Hence backup paths are the most used techniques in IP networks in order to safe guard IP link from failures. The existing system chooses multiple reliable backup path to eliminate the problem of IP link failures and minimizing routing disruption only when IP link fails. This is done by maintaining all the routing information in a hash table. Probabilistically Correlation Failure (PCF) model with a layer mapping approach is used to quantify the IP link failure. DSDV protocol is used to detect the IP link failure in the network and to deploy the hash table to manage all the routing information for data exchange between nodes in a network. But the drawback of this process is that all the routing information stored in the hash table is not secure. Hence the multipath routing information can be easily modified by the adversary in network. Hence in the proposed system the Cipher Text Attribute Base Encryption (CPABE) algorithm is deployed to encrypt the routing information before it is stored in the hash table. Hence only the authorized user can modify the multipath routing information in the hash table.
D. Ramyaa, P. Sabarinathan
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