ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Enlightenment through Light – A Heuristic Approach to Data Transmission
Data transfer is kind of process to transfer the data between two objects. Data transfer is done by various methods from ancient by paper and pen as technology develops, transmission are done through wire and further wireless. This technique causes lot of problem like data losing, hacking of data further cause health hazards to the children by emission of waves in wireless communication. The objective is to produce lesser data lose and an eco-friendly system. German phycist, Harald Haas has given a solution “data through illumination” by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow the transmission. Transmission through light can produce data rates faster than 10 megabits per second, which is speedier than the average broadband connection. This method reduces the data loss by transmitting data through light.
Kavin Balaji, Venkatesh, Vetriyvel, Nithyavathy , ArunkumarTo read the full article Download Full Article