ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Research Article Open Access

Erosion Wear Behaviour of Chromium Coated Steel 304 and Grey Cast Iron


The phenomena of erosion wear due to the cutting action of ash particles in ash- liquid (slurry mixture) on steel 304 and grey cast iron has been studied in a slurry pot tester. A fixture was used to hold the work piece in a slurry pot tester to ensure that the erosion wear of work piece is due to the flow of the slurry. Experiment performed at different concentrations, at different speeds and at various time to determine the effect of these particles on the work piece. It seems that a kinetic energy of particle may exist which result in change in wear rate.

Kapil Chawla, Kamaljeet Singh, Naveen saini, Jagdeep Singh